Trapped Souls - Mobile Game Mock Up

A sketch mock up for slide scroolling game test I did couple while ago, done in 15 hours. I also record behind the making video and it's available on youtube or you can click the link bellow.

1. How do you control the game?

  • Virtual button or joystick (the character will move to right and left also up and down with a stairs or other environment)- Sprint button (character will need to run to avoid the enemy on the game)
  • Touch to interact (touch to interact function when the character is needed to interact with the environment).

2. Who is the game’s Target Market ?

  • PG 7.

3. What is the gameplay ?

  • You will play as a monk/sage/saint/priest that have a job to free the trapped souls on Limbo.
  • Floor is wall and wall is floor, the character can go towards wall and the wall will become floor but not the character who will rotate but the environment.
  • If the character touched by the enemy (white spirit on the mock up) the character will die or lose the health (refs PAC MAN) thats why the sprint button is very important in the game but the sprint will have a limit so the player need to have a tactics to stay alive.
  • Collective item and item puzzle can be collected and will be stored in the inventory and the item will needed to complete the level (refs MACHINARIUM).
  • Lightened the altar and escape, player need to lightened all the altar that available in the current levels if all the altar have lightened all the spirit will fade or released (the animation probably will have more choices) player will need to go to escape the limbo.

4. What are the reference for the art style ?

  • Detailed minimalist, reference like Journey, Limbo, monument valley, with Rayman adventure render.